Midway Limited is commencing stakeholder consultations regarding the management of high conservation values (HCV) associated with its plantation forest management, and plantation wood procurement and supply activities.
We invite stakeholders that are involved with or have an interest in forest activities associated with our wood supply to offer comment or feedback in relation to:
· High Conservation Values (HCV) identification and protection, including biodiversity, soil and water values, cultural and heritage values
· controlled wood verification processes,
· control measures applied to protect HCVs
The sustainability page of our website provides a Stakeholder consultation map showing current and planned harvesting operations. If you wish to comment on a particular harvesting operation, or request information about HCV assessment for that plantation number you can use the online response form or request that information here.
A public briefing notice and links to relevant documentation is provided for download here. Stakeholders are invited to give comment/feedback by 30th November 2018. Stakeholders may download and complete the stakeholder consultation form here. Feedback should be sent to ForestManagementEnquiries@midwaylimited.com.au.
The capital works for improved storm water management on the Geelong site are approaching completion. The upgraded lined storage dam increases the on site storage capacity to 5Ml and is supported by upgraded pumping capacity, and generator backup power for pumps.
The project is aimed at avoiding storm water flows from the site during normal rainfalls and reusing storm water to irrigate amenity tree plantings and reduce dust from truck traffic.
South West Fibre Pty Ltd – FSC-STD-40-005 V3-1 Stakeholder Consultations
South West Fibre Pty Ltd is commencing stakeholder consultations regarding the management of high conservation values (HCV) associated with its plantation wood supply and procurement activities.
We invite stakeholders that are involved with or have an interest in forest activities associated with our wood supply to offer comment or feedback in relation to:
• High Conservation Values (HCV) identification and protection, including biodiversity, soil and water values, cultural and heritage values
• controlled wood verification processes,
• control measures applied to protect HCVs
A public briefing notice and links to relevant documentation is provided here. Stakeholders are invited to give comment/feedback by 30th June 2018. Stakeholders should use the stakeholder consultation form, and send to fscenquiries@southwestfibre.com.au.
Midway realises that working safely is vital to the ultimate success of our organisation, and our safety obligations include our own employees and also extend to the community in which we operate.
Recently, we have upgraded the main truck exit from our North Shore facility and put in a number of safety controls to help ensure the bike riders cycling on the track around our facility are not put in harms way from trucks exiting our site. The truck passage inside our facility has been upgraded to concrete pavement at a cost of one million dollars, and regular cleaning of the pavement minimises dust and mud carryover to The Esplanade. Convex mirrors and warning signs have been added at all exit points to mitigate the risk of accidents due to blind spots.