Our Company
Founded in 1980, Midway Limited is one of Australia’s largest woodfibre processors and exporters with a strong and growing plantation and carbon management business.
Midway’s fibre is used in recyclable paper and packaging, plastic replacement products and coal replacing energy generation in the Asian region.
The Company is building a plantation management and carbon business to generate carbon abatement and emissions offsets solutions utilising its expertise in the process.
Midway has woodchip processing and exporting operations at five major port locations in key forestry areas around Australia including: Bell Bay, Tasmania; Portland and Geelong in Victoria; Brisbane, Queensland; and Melville Island in the Northern Territory’s Tiwi Islands.

Midway businesses source timber from across six Australian states and territories including:
Midway Limited, Geelong
- Midway Group head office
- Midway Limited processing and export facility with capacity to process and export upto 1.5 million green metric tonnes per annum of woodfibre
- Midway Plantations and carbon management, managing over 17,000 ha of hardwood plantations
Queensland Commodity Exports, Brisbane
- QCE office, processing and export facility at Port of Brisbane
- Supply from hardwood and softwood plantations
- GrainCorp provides toll ship loading and owns 10% of QCE
- Processing and export capacity of Up to 600,000 GMT per annum
South West Fibre, Myamyn/Portland
- South West Fibre office and processing facilities at Myamyn
- 51 per cent owned joint venture with Mitsui
- Processing capacity of 1.2 million GMT per annum capacity
- In-field chipping and ‘upstream’ chip and log storage
- Portside woodfibre receival, storage and loading facilities contracted at the port of Portland.
- Woodfibre export capacity of up to 1.8 million GMT per annum
Midway Tasmania, Hobart/Bell Bay
- Midway Tasmania office Hobart managing harvest planning and supply
- Pulplog sourced from native regrowth forest thinning and hardwood plantations
- Processing and export facility at Bell Bay with capacity of up to 600,000 green metric tonnes per annum
Midway Pongamia Farms, Townsville
- Development and management oil seed farms on behalf of Rio Tinto, to test viability as a sustainable renewable diesel feedstock.
Plantation Management Partners (PMP), Tiwi Islands
- 30,000 hectares Tiwi Plantation Corporation forestry plantation project
- Midway provides forestry management and marketing services
- Acacia mangium woodchip exports commenced in November 2015 out of Port Melville
- Stockpile capacity 60,000 tonnes
- 400,000 GMT per annum export capacity
Our values represent what we stand for and determine our behaviour when dealing with our customers, stakeholders and each other.
Safety and the environment
We are committed to protecting the safety and health of our employees, our contractors, customers and the people of the communities in which we operate. We also seek to manage the business to the highest possible environmental standards.

Honesty, integrity and respect
We will strive to uphold the highest possible standards and ensure we are open, honest and direct in all our dealings. We will treat people with respect, acknowledging their knowledge, capability and experience as individuals and team members.

We continuously strive for more effective and efficient ways to create value for our customers and shareholders.

We are advocates for sustainable forestry and have a strong commitment to the development of productive and viable forest estates, ensuring they co-exist with other community values.

We aim to be a trusted corporate citizen respected and valued in the communities in which we operate.

Midway is proud to support various projects and events that enrich the regional communities in which we work.

Midway employs over 260 people in forestry and mill operations at our sites in Australia.